Christopher Diamond

Christopher Edward Diamond

Living with Intestinal Lymphangiectasia

(& Familial Adenomatous Polyposis !!)

...and living the dream in Orkney!!!

March 2017

Hello again friends. Well, since my last update, we have moved home, just a few miles away to the other side of the island where we live in Orkney. We are now closer to the island's shop, school and Doctor's surgery, as well as being near the harbour, making trips to town much easier.
Our new home is great, a beautiful shore-side cottage with a huge garden which runs on to the beach where we watch the seals playing each day.
In my last update, i told you about the diagnosis of my new condition, FAP. Well since then, I had a few complications and had to go to the Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital, where I was put to sleep and had surgery to remove some small troublesome polyps. No others were found as yet so we're hoping that i may have a year or two break before further complications.

 So even though I still have the intestinal lymphangiectasia to deal with and the associated immune deficiency, fat free diet, endless injections and a carrier bag full of medication to take each month, as well as the polyposis developing in my intestines that will eventually turn cancerous without major surgery... I am currently living life to the full, and will continue to do so as long as possible.
And when the day comes when i need to have the several operations to rebuild my insides, i will face it with all the strength in the world... knowing that when i return home from hospital to recover, i will be returning to one of the most beautiful places on earth.
God bless you all... and keep smiling.

Intestinal Lymphangiectasia is rare enough, but I now also have Familial Adenomatous Polyposis as well. I have the feeling someone has it in for me, but I have a surprise for them. I am not a quitter. I enjoy life to the full, the best I can anyway, and nothing is going to stop that. I have a whole life, a long life planned out in front of me and intend to live it as I have so far, having as much fun as I can along the way. Sure there'll be lots of low times interspersed along the way, but I have never stopped smiling from the day I was born and I aren't stopping now!

 My mum and I have had a horrid few years and at the moment, things are about as good as we can hope for. We just want to relax, in peace, and enjoy being a family while we still can, before things start getting complicated again!


Read more about FAP - HERE


Outlander The Skie Boat Song (Instrumental Version) [From Outlander TV Series].mp3

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